New – Create a new product.
Edit – Alter an existing product.
Delete – Removes a product.
Copy – Creates a new product with the same data as an existing one.
Reset Filters – Clears any filters you have applied whilst searching.
Print Labels – Create barcode stickers that you can stick on your products.
After clicking New you will see the Basic Product Information page, use the tabs to switch between the product areas.
Product Details
- Add a Product Name
- Short Description will auto populate however you can overwrite if required - the short description is what appears on the POS and Receipts
- Assign a Department and Sub-Department.
- The Barcode will auto-populate if you make this a stock enabled product or can be left blank.
- Select a Product Type, either product or modifier. Only use modifier if it will be an addition to another product. E.g Side Option - Cheesy Mash or Chips.
- Selling Price - the price the customer will pay
- Cost Price - the amount it costs you to sell
- Tax Rate - select from you list of pre-defined rates
- Additional Pricing - Each product can have five Price Levels stored, you can switch between different levels for promotions. For Example Happy Hour Pricing.
- Once you have completed the product information press save at the top right
Stock Control
If you intend to use stock you must make the products you are counting into stock units.
You have Non-Stock, Stock Unit, Recipe or Parent Product as options.
If “Stock Unit” is selected you choose an SKU, the Supplier and then set your par levels with a minimum and maximum stock. The software will give you recommended orders based on the numbers.
Quick Tips:
- You can click into the Department, Sub-Department, supplier, VAT and Price column to make quick changes without having to open the product completely.
- There is also the Edit Stock Information button, this lets you alter stock information for each product without having to open the product completely. You can alter Stock Type, Stock unit, Supplier, Min Stock and Max Stock.