Newbridge EPOS have the following Clerk and Attendance Reports, and the information below states why and when each report should be used.
Clerk Attendance Report
- Lists each clerk and their hours worked for the date period, as well as their wages for that number of hours.
- Also lists a breakdown of each clerk and their individual cock in and out times further down.
Clerk Product Sales Report
- Displays every product, ordered by the sub-department that the clerk has sold, the quantity they have sold, and the gross value of those sales.
- Also breaks down each product as a percentage of their overall sales to see which product they sell the most of.
Clerk Sub-Department Sales Report
- Like clerk product sales, however, this report is more condensed and shows on a sub-department level instead of the product. Also shows a percentage of overall clerk sales for each sub-department.
Wage Percentage Report
- Displays net sales for a week period, broken into departments.
- Displays wages and hours for a week period, broken into clerk areas.
- Displays wages VS sales within each clerk area as well as a total overall wage percentage.
Wage Percentage Summary Report
- A more condensed version of the wage percentage report. This time it displays all sales in their departments however without being split into individual days. This is for the wages and hours.
Weekly Rota Report
- This creates a “report” that is a graphical rota for the chosen week. Listing each clerk and their upcoming hours. Easy to send out to staff.
Weekly Actuals Wage Report
- Displays a week at a time, showing clerks in their default clerk area along with their hourly rate. Listing their daily cost and total days worked in the week. With a total amount of hours and wage.
Weekly Forecast Wage Report
- Using your created rotas, the system shows how much each clerk will cost daily and a total forecasted cost for the week's wages.